Excess 11 has benefited from the experience of her elders, without sacrificing all the comfort attributes needed for enjoyable cruising. Add to this a volume worthy of a larger boat, whether in the saloon or in the cabins, with for example a 2 by 2-meter (6½’x6½’) bed in the owner’s cabin or bathrooms with separate showers! On deck, she offers the comfort and friendliness of a large open cockpit and twin helm stations, offering both real steering sensations and direct contact with the rest of the crew.
Our Excess catamarans are equipped with SEANAPPS technology : the solution for keeping your boat safe and seaworthy at any moment.Thanks to a device installed on board and a mobile application, you can access all your boat’s information directly from your smartphone.
That’s the synthesis of the Excess spirit: a boat with a racy design, that’s light and comfortable!